The Haunted Objects Podcast

Becoming a Psychic Spy: Remote Viewing, the CIA, & Uri Geller

Episode Summary

Warning: this podcast may unlock your psychic powers! In this episode, we dig into recently declassified CIA documents that suggest psychic phenomena are real... and that famed mentalist Uri Geller was a spy. Plus, Connor defies the brotherhood of magicians by revealing well-guarded secrets, ghostly activity manifests in the studio, and Greg & Dana undergo a series of remote viewing experiments that will blow your mind. No spoon is safe, because we're becoming psychic spies for the CIA, baby!

Episode Notes

Warning: this podcast may unlock your psychic powers! In this episode, we dig into recently declassified CIA documents that suggest psychic phenomena are real... and that famed mentalist Uri Geller was a spy. Plus, Connor defies the brotherhood of magicians by revealing well-guarded secrets, ghostly activity manifests in the studio, and Greg & Dana undergo a series of remote viewing experiments that will blow your mind. No spoon is safe, because we're becoming psychic spies for the CIA, baby!

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- Uri Geller’s website:

- James Randi’s The Truth About Uri Geller

- The Awkward Johnny Carson appearance:

- Watch The Secret Life of Uri Geller by Vikram Jayanti:

- Read The Secret Life of Uri Geller

- Skeptical Inquirer dissects Uri’s claims:

- Astonishing Legends covers remote viewing:

- CIA documents on Uri:

- CIA documents on remote viewing:

- More Remote Viewing Research:

Copyright 2023 Planet Weird
Hosted by Greg and Dana Newkirk
Produced by Connor J Randall
Photography by Karl Pfeiffer
Art by Dustin Williams
Theme by Adam Hayman
"The Disembodied Voice" by Chuck Fresh